If you have or planning to have a web site for your personal or organisational needs, you should seriously consider registering your own domain name. A domain name is a name like "trimens.in" or "google.com", which you can use to refer to your website. Note that you do not have to be a company or organisation to register a domain name. Any individual can do it too.
Importance of a Domain Name
There are a number of good reasons for having a domain name:
- If you are a business, a domain name gives you credibility. Few people will be willing to do business with a company that does not have its own domain name.
- If you get a domain name that describes your company's business or name, people can remember the name easily and can return to your site without having to consult their documents. In fact, if you get a good name that describes your product or service, you might even get people who were trying their luck by typing "www.yourproductname.com" in their browser.
- If you want good sponsors (advertisers) for your website, a domain name is usually helpful. It tends to give your website an aura of respectibility.
- Your domain name says a lot about you, and new domain name endings like .guru and .photography can help you stand out on the web.
It’s unavoidable. To have a website you need two very important things:
- A domain name (e.g. trimens.in)
A web hosting service provider – the place where you’ll put the files that make up your website so that you can access them through your domain name. Click to know about website hosting services and their plans.
Over the next few years, hundreds of new domain name endings like .guru and .photography will become available. We will be working to provide you with as many options as possible so you can find the most relevant and meaningful names as you get started online.